Experts from the State Agency for Child Protection and its Chairperson Dr. Eleonora Lilova are visiting the newly opened “Razvitie” Center in Sofia. The reason for the visit is the participation of the SACP in the upcoming International conference for the development of professionalism of people working with children, organized by the „For Our Children“ Foundation.
The center, which is managed by the Foundation, provides a range of health, social and educational services for children with disabilities in early childhood from 0 to 7 years of age.
The use of the services is completely free and they are available with a referral issued by the child protection departments at the place of residence of the family. Activities for children include individual and group work through therapy, rehabilitation and training to acquire various skills for independent living. All indoor and outdoor spaces are adapted to the age of the children and are adapted to different disabilities.
"It's very bright here, apart from being colorful in terms of atmosphere and activities! Seeing how you work here, I am increasingly convinced that the unification of health care and social care is extremely important in supporting children and parents."- said the Chairperson of the SACP Dr. Eleonora Lilova to the Executive Director of the Foundation Mrs. Ivanka Shalapatova and her team.
In order to transform the building into a modern complex for early child development, the Foundation "For Our Children" turns the home for medical and social care "St. Sofia” in a colorful and lively set of services in support of children and families. The Foundation brings together in one place the Center for Public Support "St. Sofia” and the Center for Public Support “Happy Childhood”, which provide programs for family counseling and therapy, early childhood intervention, pedagogical support for educational school integration of children with special needs and children under protection. The service also offers assessment of the child's development through screening tools, hourly care for children with special needs, socializing activities, training for parents, assisted care for children at home and more. The complex also provides play, sports and art therapies, services from medical professionals, as well as rehabilitation for babies and children with special needs and developmental delays.
"In order to grow up well, babies and young children need full care from parents, families and communities. The prenatal period and the first 2-3 years of the child's life are especially important, so the support of their parents should start even before their birth."- adds Dr. Eleonora Lilova.
The team of the “For Our Children” Foundation will officially open the Early Childhood Development Complex in June this year, and it will carry the spirit of family coziness and the message of a happy childhood for every child.